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I discovered a whole new world of tea drinking and it's changed my life

I've drunk tea for as long as I can recall. In the 70's, parents weren't concerned about caffeine in tea or seat belts or second hand smoke. It was a more carefree time, a time when Happy Days went with TV dinners and all I wanted to be when I grew up was one of Charlie's Angels.....or Wonder Woman (I guess times haven't changed that much).

In those days, we made a big pot of sweet black tea in the morning and the whole family helped themselves throughout the day until it was finished. That was usually around midday when mum would make another batch.

As I got older and moved out of my parents house, I moved away from the sweet black tea and discovered herbal teas, bottled ice teas and who can forgot the trips to Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore where I discovered bubble tea......a cold, sweet concoction of chewy tapioca balls in fruit flavoured tea.....yum!

Now that I'm in my 40's, I feel I need to take care of my body differently. The days when I could stay out partying all night and still look half decent with my hair pulled back in a ponytail are long past. Nowadays if I forget eye cream just one night, I get another permanent crease as payback. Cutting the carbs and sugar is the new normal and I actually enjoy eating green things now.

I've also discovered a whole new world of tea, really amazing tea. Varieties that I never knew existed are opening my tastebuds to new ways to make my days more satisfying. White tea, yellow tea, green tea, red tea and the different black teas are different worlds waiting to be discovered by tea lovers like me. Within each variety is a plethora of highly nuanced teas.

The right tea can shift our mood in a moment, and the right tea can be spirit elevating. I view tea as beyond being a health choice to a welcome part of my busy routine.

White tea is light and has no bitter aftertaste that you associate with black tea. I particularly love Tarakona's Silver Needles, which is the highest grade of white tea. The whole leaf tea buds are covered in fine down hairs and they float vertically when brewed. The taste is clean, delicate and I feel deeply satisfied. The scent of Silver Needles is a cross between freshly cut floral blooms and sweet, nutty hay.

The antioxidant and anti-aging properties are just a bonus. According to Organic Facts, the health benefits of white tea are so numerous, it seems extraordinarily crazy we haven't been drinking white tea sooner.

I always seem to have a cup in my hand or sitting next to my computer or in a travel mug in the car. They are now always filled with Silver Needles tea. It's drinking a healthy elixir that cleanses and nourishes me, doesn't leave any bitter or sour after taste and keeps me calm while gives me a boost throughout my day.

I'd urge anyone and everyone to try white tea today, it'll change your drinking habits and it might change your life too.

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